Sunday, December 05, 2004


We had our first fire last night in our new home. I can't remember the last time I heard the crackle of wood, smelled musk like smoke, felt the heat on my face. Too long. And here's the part that shook me, my 11 year old son had never seen a fire. NEVER. It slayed me. I know it's not like he's scarred for life due to my inept parenting, just because he hadn't seen, felt, lived a fire (camping or otherwise) but damn! He was mesmerized, it was a beautiful thing to watch - him and the fire.

After the kids were in bed, we sat and watched the fire. The glowing embers underneath, the dancing flames.... we just... stared. For an hour or so. Glass of wine (red) no lights, just the fire. It was heavenly.

There's an intimacy in fire I think. I mean... I think it softens anyone near it. I found myself thinking of people I'd so love to sit in front of a fire with. There's a list, though not a long one, of people I'd love to have revealed to me there, like that... and me to them.

My younger sons won't be 11 before they experience the joy of it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This reminded me of bonfires on the beach - my parents, their friends, other children, night-time, someone playing the guitar and singing. I swear the fires were twice as tall as I (I was five, six years old).

At night, walking around the city, sometimes I'll smell the smoke from someone's fireplace. Just the smell of it warms me.


3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...I expect the people on that list are anything but usual

...I expect each of them is spectacular

...your writing is rich, I want more of you

6:05 PM  

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