Thursday, November 23, 2006

I don't usually do this, but...

Enough already!!!

I'm so sick and tired of Quebec wanting - getting - special treatment and thinking they are more important than the rest of us Canadians.

When I imagine (because it's never entirely disclosed) the millions upon millions of Canadian tax dollars that have been spent on the debate over Quebec - what it should get, separation, and now a proposal by our fearless if less than wise leader that Quebecers form a nation "that is currently within Canada" - well, it makes me shudder in disgust.

How might those same dollars have been spent instead? Oh my GOD!! Perhaps improving wait lists at hospitals, refunding the deep cuts to child services, re-staffing schools so class sizes are not in the vicinity of 30 students per teacher, and hundreds of other fabulously worthy issues benefitting ALL Canadians, not one fucking province.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now come on, Sass, tell us how you REALLY feel. (But I agree with you wholeheartedly) Quebec society seems to be exclusionist, somewhat haughty. No equal partner when it comes to debt or creaming off the top. It is coddled by Harper to curry favour with voters in an increasingly hostile province for Conservatives (aka Alliance).


11:37 PM  

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