Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm beginning to let go, I can feel it. After a year of trying to understand, trying to obtain information about why you have discarded me... I am starting to disinvest. Over time, what will happen is that I will no longer care why or what caused it. It simply will not matter... in time.

D pointed something out to me:

When your husband began acting strangely, I was there.

When you believed your husband (my brother) lied and cheated on you, I was there.

When your husband left, I was there.

When you needed help talking to your husband about your children, I was there.

When you needed someone to believe in you, I was there.

When you needed money, I gave it to you.

When your son was in the hospital, I was there.

The next time, it will not be you I am there for - my energy will be only for the children.

I will find a way to let go. because the survival of my Spirit requires it.



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