Friday, September 17, 2010


It is an exhausting thing to feel like the buck always stops with you, like no matter what tasks get completed by others who help, the 'responsibility' for all of it lands firmly on you.

The question is always... is the dissatisfaction based on reality or perception. Does one discuss concerns, feelings, discontent and risk another's hurt, defense, offence or does one grin and quietly do more risking resentment? What is fair? What is right?


Blogger Unknown said...

It is hard to put yourselft first by saying no to others. But this you must do for your own health - physical, mental and emotional. You are worth it.

Having a compulsion to do all and be all will wear you down and although you may not feel stress, you are and your body will respond to this ongoing stress/pressure in one form or another - negatively. This will be to let you know that it's time to stop.

So stop. Pare down the things you can -- deligate or just stop doing some. Your health and sanity are more important. Enjoy the things you do do as well as more family time. Nother is so important that you should jeapordize yourself.

Everything will eventually get done and you will have honoured your body. Your spirit will be lifted, your body stronger and your heart lighter.

Love you!

4:09 AM  

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