Thursday, October 04, 2012

The eyes looking back at me are soft and the skin around them is puffy. The colour is faded, but the depth is like a bottomless pit. Her eyes are haunting - wounded, broken, stomped by the world and all its betrayals, so that the fight has left her.

How do I tell her it will be better, one day? How can I convince her that the faith in humanity she used to hold so dear still deserves her belief? How can I see the shell that used to hold a Spirit so full of life, so hopeful and vulnerable and loving, and not ache for the scars she carries every moment of every day? And worse than the scars is the despair of not having hope.

"Scars remind you where you've been, they don't have to dictate where you'll go" - it's a great quote. It sure does depend on the number, compoundedness, and frequency of the scars though.

So I will sit with her pain.  I won't move to hide it, or fade, or fix it.  I will BE with her, because she's hit the wall.  She will see that... even though she is scared, even though she feels she is not enough, even though she feels lost, even though she cannot see a way through the pain...  she is not alone, even if she feels alone.  Because sometimes, just having someone willing to BE with you... to BELIEVE in you... is enough to reignite a spark of self belief.  

It's called love, and in the words of my wise friend...  it's an ACTION WORD.


Blogger k bare said...

seems like such a simple concept.
love...being an action word
but i'll be damned if it's always simple to DO

not enough


love to you.
much love.

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

been a long time since I saw you post. I put one up today and have just been looking around. Most of the old blogs are dead. A pleasant surprise to see yours fairly recently active. I miss your posts.


6:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It feels like you are speaking to me. And it feels like you are speaking to another. But it also feels like this is what needs to be spoken to you. With LOVE. And I will do that for you because I LOVE you.

You are such a caring, loving, compassionate, soul and sometimes your soul needs nurturing too. Let me do that for you, because I LOVE you and that would be a LOVING ACTION.

HB JC know who Mystic and I am

10:51 PM  
Blogger MysticSpirit (Sass) said...


Thank you.

5:45 PM  

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