Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The 'what' is so very difficult to define completely...

I mean... there are certainly elements of attraction that are tangible and for which words exist, but there are also those indescribable often unexplainable things we often refer to as chemistry. That mystery is so delightful!

I met with a friend this morning before work and we were discussing just that. How you can meet someone who is physically overwhelming, who makes you shudder at the thought, and then... after a conversation be completely unattracted. And, of course, the same can happen in reverse... where a person might not be your 'everything' physically speaking, but he or she has other things that entice you and make you hungry for more.

For me, it's certainly a package event. He can be so hot my panties melt, but he has to be adventurous, playful, open, and funny too - among a great many other things - or I'll lose interest. The whole thing fascinates me. Love exploring it, hearing others' criteria and thoughts. Stimulating stuff.

I'm at work, so I best actually do some, though I'd rather delve into this topic instead

So, I pose some questions:

what elements - physical or otherwise - get your attention and keep your interest?

what is an absolute requirement. if any exist?

what has surprised you?

what has someone done that drove you insane in all the right ways?

Nosy little bitch, ain't I? *cheeky smile*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes - you ARE! but...

elements? - eyes, curves, breasts - how she carries herself - her smile - what she chooses to wear

absolute requirement - open, friendly

surprised? - how HOT older women can be

insane? - she did this thing with her mouth, kind of bit down on me, firm but not hard, when she'd take me all the way, head in the back of her throat and pressure at the base - damn damn damn!


10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is something in the way a man looks at me that pretty much determins if there's any chance of more.


8:04 PM  
Blogger Toxic Angel said...

Oh this is fun!

Physcially I need good eyes. I'm a sucker for great jaw structure and defined facial features.

In a personality (or an absolute requirement) I need
Sense of humor (very dry). Sarcasm. Confidence. The ability to call me on the bullshit I try to get away with. People with not so strong personalities I have the awful tendency to walk all over and get bored with. I am uncontrollably attracted to those really strong personalities - it can make for viscous arguments but there's something in the passion and being able to put me in my place and who isn't AFRAID to argue with me. You know what I mean?

Beyond this I've got too many je ne s'ais qu'oi elements, as you mention. I love the dirty boys (not actually physically dirty)who "look like they can't remember if they're catholic or not" to steal a quote from a movie. I want the uh oh... I'm in for trouble kind of feeling.

Really I have no idea. I'm just rambling and the more I ramble the more I'm confusing myself. So I'm stopping now. :P Good post.

2:34 PM  
Blogger Edge said...

what elements - physical or otherwise - get your attention and keep your interest?

A spirit of adventure and wonder, a sensual smile and laugh, eyes of depth, bottomless....physical? All I need is to be attracted, no other expectations

what is an absolute requirement. if any exist?

A sensual soulmate, yep, has to be that.

what has surprised you?

How quickly it can happen for me. I mean deep quick, where you just know, now.

what has someone done that drove you insane in all the right ways?

Given herself to me completely, all of her.

6:13 AM  
Blogger MysticSpirit (Sass) said...

thanks y'all... sure appreciate ya sharing

3:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, I'm thinking you should AT THE VERY LEAST answer your own questions

more would be nice :)


6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, I agree with Dave - nosey little bitch should be doing some dising of her own


3:44 PM  
Blogger Toad734 said...

The grass is always greener. Even if you wrote down everything that makes your soulmate and you met that person, you would still find things that suck. Or maybe thats the problem, maybe this perfect person doesnt suck ; ). Even after dating someone for 2 years who I thought was near perfect, every day I can find things I would change.

12:35 PM  

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