Sunday, April 10, 2005


I wrote on my wall downstairs. Green acrylic paint, hand-written words - no stencil to make it neat, no practice so the angle is just right, just lyrics to a song painted because the spirit moved me.

It's a music room. It has a red light. Guitars, cable, mic stands, a keyboard, and an overstuffed love seat fill the small space. There's a massive red satin/black velvet Jimi Hendrix wall hanging (when we first moved in together, my husband wanted it over our bed *laughing*) Candles spread around the room conjure up something as close to my Catholic history as I get. Vines wind around and beads dangle from the ceiling. At night, my husband smokes sweet cigars, the room fogs and strings of smoky haze glow in the red light. The scents - cigars, beer, incense burning - mix with notes sung and winding guitar inspire this sweet kind of groove.

There's a very old Police concert T-Shirt with buttons and pins - a spectrum of music represented - U2, The Stones, The Who, Depeche Mode, BB King and a bunch in between. This concoction of things transcends multiple decades - a fucked up mix of sex, drugs and rock and roll with mysticism and free love. It ain't Home and Garden 'decor' - hell some would say it's downright gaudy! I think it's funky, it's out there - it's pieces of our lives and somehow it has this strange comfort about it, a soothing peace.

While I was brushing letters on the wall, I was thinking about how all the things we live through shape who we are in a given moment in time, contribute to the evolution of a soul.

I live on an Island, surrounded by ocean. It is overflowing with hippies and guru and artistic types.... people who walk to the beat of their own drummers with no regard for the media-inspired image of what we should be. I believed before moving here that it was right for us - I've always said we were Island people. Now, being here, smelling all the myriad of green outside, feeling the sand squish between my toes, breathing the salt air, and writing lyrics on my walls, I know it's a perfect fit. My Spirit feels like it has come home.

So, I'll be writing more on those walls, in different colours. I'll be celebrating the pieces of who I am - who we are - nourishing my spirit in unorthodox ways that feel right and celebrating what we've lived and chosen to hold close. Tomorrow I'm getting a lamp like we used to have... the circular kind that rotates light around the room. We need some netting, and more beads and I need to make a mobile of sea shells. It's got this metaphysical kinda vibe to it, and quite simply.... it's far out! I'm diggin' it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we all get caught up in the trends/the expected - whatever floats your boat is perfect for you.

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet you're one seriously funky chick to hang out with!

Can I come over?

5:37 AM  
Blogger Toxic Angel said...

I am so jealous! It sounds like such a fabulous room!!! And just when I think I can't possibly love you anymore you go and write this... ;)

So jealous.

6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hand wrote on my bedroom wall too..;) Must be a Goddess

6:30 AM  
Blogger Edge said...

I want to watch you dance in this room. I mean really dance.

3:49 AM  

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