Sunday, December 25, 2005


I have a mixed bag today, but the thing taking up the most space is gratefulness.

I've been blessed with 3 healthy children - feisty, patience trying, full of life and laughter babies, yes, they'll always be my babies. Watching their delight and excitement this morning fills me up, love that manifests physically in tingles and warmth that starts at the center of your body and radiates outward, ya know? They're all 3 very different, unique little entities you get to watch unfold into 'people'.

My eldest is 12, he's full of opinions and clearly thinks we know nothing - is quite astonished at times we've managed to live this long (how long does that phase last?)... but he's the nice police, the one who steps into the middle of a fight to help a friend who is being picked on by the school bully, he's sensitive... he spent the better part of money he had for a school auction on a Christmas gift for me... two blown glass tree ornaments (I'm a xmas nut). They're beautiful, I cried.

My middle son I've written of here before. Last Christmas he was so sick... he'd stopped eating, I was scared. He's not sick now, stuffing chocolate in his gob as I type actually. He's a character for sure this one. Gregarious and insistent, playful and intuitive... he's been called an Indigo Child... I still have to do more research on this, but there's no question there is something magic about him.

The baby, now 3.... is.... well.... intense. *laughing* He's the child of extremes.... the sweetest warmest child, nuzzled into you and showering you with kisses with the cutest little cherub face... also the first to take out his brother cuz he has the toy he wants or pitch a full-blown fit at the word 'no' - there's nothing tentative about him, the love he exudes and the will he demonstrates! *laughing*

I have a husband who loves me, has for 20+ years... the kind of love women dream of, he adores me. We're struggling right now, many of you know that, but I think the world of him. He's a good man, he's my friend and lover, he's a wonderful Father, he's kind, his heart is good, I'm blessed.

Family... I had parents who gave me so much. The way they made me feel safe, loved, secure... how they passed on their strength and gave me belief in myself are gifts I am acutely aware of. I so miss them. My parents-in-law accepted me and loved me like their daughter... miss Mom terribly... Dad is trying hard to go on... I ache when I think of my children not knowing such amazing souls... but traditions are passed down and their energy is ever present. Siblings and inlaws and the products of their love *giggling* fill up my world too, I'm a lucky girl, for sure.

Friends...I have a handful of people in addition to those above who have taken up residence in my heart, people who have touched me, people I'd go to the mat for, people who stand in the center of the fire and don't shrink back.

I love you so... and I'm loved.

Yup, blessed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the things I love most about you (other than that rack of yours) is how you never take one tiny thing for granted and that you always see and give love regardless of your state of mind or the situation at hand. You have a gift and those you touch are so much better for it. Beautifully written darling.

6:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the things which I did for myself this year was finally buy myself a new computer. Unfortunately, in the process of switching everything over to my new computer, a lot of things got lost or misplaced.

I've finally reconnected with the link to your blog. Catching up today (1/13/06), I realize how much I've missed.

After all you've been through this year, it sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. I'm happy for you.

11:02 PM  

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