Monday, May 29, 2006

Fairy Cards

So in keeping with the mystic guru theme, I've been playing with the Fairy Cards this last couple of weeks.

You can find em at your local metaphysical book/gift/funky shit store.

Little different than tarrot cards, but similar in that they can assist with self awareness and with focus.

You handle them, let your energy touch them, then you ask a question... out loud or to yourself.... might be...."what do I need to know right now?" or something specific like "should I take this new job?" Then you pull cards. They all have meanings (written in the little book that comes with them) and you read the message of the card after you pull it, then apply it to your situation. It's fun. And... it's enlightening, really, it is! I keep pulling the same cards - accident? I don't think so.

And yes, Edge, I have some crystals too! *laughing*

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Papa, Can You Hear Me?

I want my Dad. I want to look into his eyes, see his love for me, feel how he believes in me... I want to walk away knowing I can take on the world. I miss his calm. I miss the way he could put everything in perspective when nothing made sense. I miss the way his encouragement wrapped me like a blanket and he could reassure me that things would in fact work out. Faith - not bless me father for I have sinned faith - but... life faith.

And yes, I believe he can.


Thursday, May 18, 2006


I seem to have misplaced my cape.

Anyone seen it?

I sure notice not having it, damn.