Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Miss You

I've been thinking about the concept, sensation, phenomenon of missing someone. What, exactly, is missing someone?

For me, there is an overwhelming emptiness, a longing for what is missing. In its truest form, it's a void that nothing - no one - else will fill. And that spot, that place in your heart that is that person's, well, it isn't filled by anyone else, just stays owned by that person, forever. Altered, irrevocably, forever, by the touch of one soul.

The physical response to these emotions can be so intense - that ache for another. I guess that's the mark of true connection huh... that when it's missing, the longing overtakes you, you hurt, it permeates your thoughts.

Powerful stuff.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I'm strong, can you see? I get that word a lot. And it's true. I'm the example of coping baby, I do it fabulous. Compounded crisis, I'm your girl, watch me bitch slap it into next Tuesday. The raw stuff - the blood and desperation and exposed flesh of life... I'll hold your hand. Throw me some more, I'll fucking juggle, and still stay grounded, together. See how I hold the ones around me up, pillar, fucking rock hard support. Fuck I'm good.

Too good.


Sunday, June 19, 2005

Teetering, Plunging, Soaring

I - and for anyone who knows me, hang on to your hat - jumped off a bridge yesterday. Well.... jumped isn't entirely accurate... more like.... plummeted then swung.

The friend we have visiting this weekend wanted to bungy jump. He's done it before, this would be his fourth jump. Crazy Bastard! Just watching him took my breath away - freaked me out, completely!

So when he tried to convince me to do a tandem swing (where you're each in a harness, joined together, dropped off the bridge, do the freefall down and then swing to slow) I was like - not fuckin' likely! *laughing*

But... something came over me. I can't see me having done it on my own, and I think doing it was absolutely because it was him - all brother like, I'm safe with him.... but.... I looked up at the drop, I had the chick show me the video of someone else... and then I just said... OK.

FUCKING AMAZING! I wanted to go again right away. TERRIFYING! You scoot out to the edge, feet dangling edge, high HIGH up looking down edge. The part you sit on is supposed to drop out from under you, down and back, so your body is clear of the bridge when you drop.... but it didn't work, and you could hear the two employees behind us, kinda... fretting. Caught on camera for all to see - my terror is quite visible as I realize things are not going as planned! *laughing*

The place is this beautiful canyon. You freefall, the speed you move at is something like 145-150 km/hour then you soar back and forth, swinging over the river - my feet grazed the water as we swung, fucking gorgeous.

My friend says 'an adrenaline junkie is born'... says next time you'll bungy! *laughing* I don't know about either of those, but I am thrilled I did it. They do a tandem bungy, where you're strapped together and jump as one.... I could see.... maybe.... if all the planets and stars align just right doing that with him. But alone, diving off a bridge into the canyon? I just don't know.

I have learned over the last 4 or so years to... never say never! *laughing*


Saturday, June 18, 2005

Pay It Forward

I love this concept.

I love the movie.

What a world it would be, if we all did this.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Fathers Day

My Father was a remarkable man, and his imprint is visible in me, in my children, even now. I was daddy's girl - no question - not spoiled (well maybe a little) but so very connected. I have more respect for the man he was, the sacrifices he made for his family, the example he set for me than I can find words for. I think of him... I think of integrity, family, laughter, playing cards, boating, camping, aviation, good food, wine, and well... farts! *laughing* I'm grateful every day that I was blessed getting to your baby - thank you Dad.

And you... there is NO ONE else I would want to have babies. The light and life in your eyes the days they arrived, or when you're rolling on the ground with the boys, or watching them clumsily walk in your big shoes as they play, or checking on them when they sleep - well... it ignites me. I love how you love them - how you show it, how you talk it, how you feel it, how you live it. Love is an action, not just a word or an emotion, and you LOVE them - they are SO lucky to have you and so am I! OOOOSH!

To those of you Dad's in blogland - I hope you have the most WONDERFUL day!

Comment Turned Post

posted this comment on Edge's Honesty post, but then thought I'd slap it here too...

so I'm wondering... infidelity... that classified as something you have to lie about, or the act of sex with another? just askin'... if you TELL about sex with another, is it still 'infidelity' ?

clearly a subjective viewpoint, just curious how y'all see it

Thursday, June 16, 2005


How much is the right amount in a primary relationship?

Generally speaking, I think I'm relatively low maintenance. Very secure, I'm an independent soul, sometimes to the irritation of my husband actually.

There's a balance, ya know - where you feel attended to, valued, important... where your place is assured and a sense of belonging exists, not smothered, not neglected. I find it interesting how people react differently when the balance is off. I have friends who pout and stomp and demand attention - very "HEY! What about me!!??" I've a tendency to the other end of the spectrum, I back away - more "You know where I am, you'll pay attention or you won't." I'm not sure either of those is the best choice.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

You Are Here

Connect the dots of your life, of the people you touch and who touch you, of the experiences that shape who you are, of the traumas and the elations and you land yourself at the "you are here" star, like you find at the information centre in a mall or on a tourist map. But still the picture isn't complete... isn't I guess, till we pass over. Something delightful in that, not knowing what the whole picture looks like... hopings and wishings and wonderings of what is to come, who is to touch you.

I've been challenged as of late with the concepts of jealousy and possession, of intimate relationships, of belonging. Things of where lines are drawn - or should be - and all the complexities of emotion that can overwhelm in those moments of reaction when you feel your 'territory' infringed upon. Where does an individual end and a couple begin - or for that matter, in ANY relationship, where does accountability to self weigh in against what another wants?

"I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. If you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy."
(line from The Invitation, Oriah Mountain Dreamer)

Where is it that my needs and desires end and another's begin? When is it ok to disappoint another, when is it just selfish. That balance, elusive and difficult to maintain once you find it, is a relationship challenge. Obviously, in an open marriage like mine it's present, but I believe it to be present in varying degrees and manifestations in EVERY relationship - with friends, family, lovers, or spouses.

When is a friendship - which has intimate moments of course - a threat to another relationship? If I have a friend with whom I discuss all the intricacies of my life and soul, have a deep meaningful connection with- but with whom I am not sexual, is that any more or less a threat to my 'primary' relationship? My philosophy is, the ideal is for it not to be a threat at all - sexual or otherwise, we are individual entities here to experience the spectrum of life. But, the degree of emotional and spiritual maturity required for it to work that way is immense.

My husband has a play partner, for the first time in years. I have been the center of his world, sexual and otherwise, for a very long time. Fascinating evolution I'm undergoing in experiencing the other side of this coin. I'm excited about this growth of mine, I feel alive, I'm happy for him. Having both of us more.... in tune with the dynamic from both sides is proving enlightening.

So when I think about that "you are here" star, about how it's moved in my lifetime, about the people I've been so fortunate to touch and be touched by, about the realm of experiences I've enjoyed and endured, and about the horizon to come.... I'm grateful, profoundly grateful.

Monday, June 06, 2005

I Met Terror

I have never known terror before, I hope I never know it again.

We lost our 2 year old son yesterday. The back door to our home was left open by our eldest, and our baby wandered out. That moment we realized he wasn't in the house, was like someone ripped my heart out of my chest, through the flesh, muscle tearing, bone breaking. Sheer terror.

He's fine, we're fine now. The disturbing list of possibilities haunts me, but I feel I was given a gift... a reminder of how in seconds life can change forever... a knowing that my parents were watching over him... and an indescribable gratitude filling me.

*deep sigh of relief*

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Wide Open

Not cracked and peeking through, not half way, all the way open... that door.

I love when my instinct is strong, when I feel it so intensely that even without any logic, anything to back it up, I follow that divine sense.

It'd been a while, since we'd seen each other, except in passing. Moments after arriving, he's pouring me a drink. All that tentative energy on the ride over... how would it be, would he touch me, did I want him to touch me, how would he touch me, when, where? Facing away from him, I hear the glug glug glug of the liquid meeting the glass. Staring out the window at the lush yard, I feel the tension growing as his footsteps approach. He wasn't tentative. His arm slides around my waist, pulls me to him, I lean back into his chest, the softest sound escapes - both of us suddenly more at ease.

So sitting, talking, sipping... laughing... it happened... he let me into his life, and I knew nothing would be the same. The pictures did me in - his wife, his kids... and the pain in his eyes that it was ending - as of a few weeks ago when he moved out. Yup, his own open door. Changes things.... the opening - mine and his - kicks it up to a whole new level.

We talked about life, about karma, about choices, about the journey. Deepak Chopra and those 7 laws... things of philosophy and life and fear and sex and love. We laughed too... at our lives, our mistakes, ourselves. We touched. Raw. Human. Connection. We found depth.

Open doors, don't ya just love those?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Deep inhale of could be...

Yes, it's real, he's real. Yes, he reads this woman well. Yes, my body language gives me away. He does feel me tremble when he talks like that, he likes it. He does see me biting my bottom lip, he doesn't want me composed. Yes, my sense is right. Ya, I'll open the door, see what will be.