Friday, August 18, 2006

No Bias Here

Could he BE cuter?

Thursday, August 17, 2006


My normally intensely sexual self has been... well.... MIA as of late. I was beginning to worry!

But today, I experienced the female equivalent of "IT MOVED" - and without mango! George baby, I feel ya my man!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Introducing Koda


Sadly, Onyx was reclaimed by the asshole that neglected him already. I am scared for him, but powerless to help.

Another little fellow was rescued from the same place after Onyx, and the lady at the shelter saved him just for us because she knew we'd provide a loving home for him.

He is tiny, and still recovering from not being cared for, but seems very content to be loved.

We named him Koda (from the movie Brother Bear) because he looks like a miniature bear cub.

(I did try to post his picture here, but it doesn't seem to be working) *Pout*

Friday, August 11, 2006


I bought a collar

And a leash

And a bag of high quality puppy chow

And some of the meaty moisty stuff too

For the puppy I don't yet have

Thursday, August 10, 2006

I mention I hate waiting?

I'm really AWEFUL at it!


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Puppy Please

I'm a Lady in waiting. OK, I'm no lady at all, but I am waiting.

I don't wait well.

Hate to wait.

But.... I am very excited about what I 'may' be waiting for.

We went to the animal shelter on the weekend. My family has been contemplating a getting a dog since the fall of 2005. Given I don't get to bring my little time-share doggy to work anymore, it feels like time.

Sooooo.... we looked online, and went to see a dog there. And, as we were there, my youngest found...... a puppy. A tiny little boy who was found flea and worm infested at his owner's home. It breaks my heart anyone could be so neglectful. Anyway.... the guy has until Friday to pay for the treatment and reclaim his puppy (can you believe he's allowed to do that after mistreating it already!?) and if he doesn't, then.... we get him.

The shelter guy was fabulous. He said.... call me with a name for the puppy by 4 and I'll go on Wednesday to find out if the owner wants to pay. He also said that he's been at the shelter for 2 years and he's never seen the owners pay... sooo... I'm hopeful!

He's black.

I named him Onyx.

I want him.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

You know those moments when everything falls into place, when for just that moment in time there is clarity, peace, contentment... when everything makes sense and things are as they should be... when all the muscles in your body are fluid and relaxed... when you sleep that deep restful sleep that leaves you fresh and full of energy... when you understand how you fit in the world and your philosophies are in tune with you and your surroundings?

This isn't one of those moments!

I feel like I'm in a vortex. It's almost an out of body experience. Who is SHE and what the fuck is she doing with my life?

I crave simplicity, just for a while. Boring sounds kinda tempting in this instant. (Hush Edge, I KNOW I KNOW!)

OK... Deeeeeep Breath.... Ready or not Day, here I come.

(I think the Day is ready just fine, it's ME that needs more time!) *laughing*
