Thursday, March 15, 2007

I am so fortunate! Each day when I come to work, I drive through a rain forest. A fucking rain forest - it's gorgeous. Massive trees older than dirt, moss and vine covered... magnificent.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Today... the way my kids make me laugh til I can't breathe - amazing little creatures!

My cup runneth over!


Monday, March 12, 2007

The Man in the Moon is SMILING!

He IS!


Today on the way to work, I looked up and there he was.

I've seen sliver moons, quarter moons.... but I've never seen the nose, smiling eyes, and grin that I saw today.


I'm blessed!


Saturday, March 10, 2007


That's today's.

Not air popped, not microwave

Actual pot popped in oil popcorn

With butter

Real butter





Thursday, March 08, 2007

Catch Up

Ooops. fell a little behind in this gratitude thing! *laughing*

Soooo... 6 things....

  • the fabulous cranberry scones I get at the coffee shop (it's like eating a tree first thing in the morning, holy fibre batman!)
  • almond oil - the best skin softening agent known to man
  • sweat peas and sunflowers - my favs!
  • delightfully coloured file folders - cuz didn't it get painfully boring and bland looking at ivory all day?
  • cruise control - makes rocking out like a spaz much easier *giggling*
  • melt in your mouth creamy smooth delectable orgasmic chocolate

OK - I think I'm all caught up now!!



Friday, March 02, 2007

Testosterone Fan I am I am

Today it's those fabulous male customers who brighten my day with flirty banter. It's fun, good for the ego, and gets those happy endorphins vibrating all over the bod!



Thursday, March 01, 2007

ala C

Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts.

  • I had an extremely religious phase in grade 9 (9th grade in the US) - and I do mean EXTREMELY! I was full blown born again - complete with the superiority complex and condescending attitude for anyone who didn't hold the same opinion. I was gonna save the world, bible in hand

  • I was 'the fat kid' in school, until about grade 10 - hence the end of my religious phase *laughing*

  • I am a whore for the perfect bite - every bite counts. If I get to the end of a sandwich and the mayo didn't quite reach there, or it's missing ham - I'll get up and do what needs to be done to fix it. If that final forkfull of salad is naked because the dressing missed it, that can (and will) be corrected. If I'm at the end of a meal and that last bite needs... salt, so be it. My Husband laughs at me, but hey.... the perfect bite is a beautiful thing!

  • I have a crooked pinkie finger. It's a family thing, my Dad had it, my sister has it, my nieces and nephews have it.

  • I'm really not fond of talking on the phone. I mean, I do it because it's better than no contact, but I really don't like it.

  • I have a secret desire to own and operate one of those metaphysical-funky spiritual-occult type stores.

  • There are some foods I eat in an odd way. When I eat an O Henry, I eat from the outside in, until all that is left is that long nougaty cylinder in the center. When I eat pop corn, I chew off all the crunchy bits leaving only the soft fluffy part - I call them melties - which I eat last. Eating a banana, I will scrape my teeth lightly up the outside, removing the outer portion and leaving the slimy looking inside portion still to enjoy. When I eat a big juicy dill pickle, I use my jaw to crush the flesh inside, suck the juicy pulp out, then eat the shell last.

  • I have a bit of a fetish for the cold wet of a dog's nose. Now now... not like that (I put that sort of thing on the other blog)! I just like how they feel, so I'll snuggle up with my Koda and run my finger gently around his nose. Well....! the instructions said WEIRD things!

  • I am with earrings as Imelda was with shoes - you really CAN'T have too many!

  • I can (and do) serve drinks with my breasts.


I Got The Music In Me

So that chick you see boppin all around when you're driving behind her...
That one who is just givin it hell singing her face off at stop light even though you're laughing your ass off watching her...
The girl doing the air drum solo in between shifts...
The one who smiles at you while she completely rocks out...
I'm that girl.

Today.... I'm grateful for music and the way it fill us, lifts us, connects us to our humanness, allows us to feel free. Oh... and I'm grateful for a kickass stereo too! *grin*
