Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Oh Whatever!

I'm going through a phase, I think. Anyone knows me, knows I do deep - connected - raw in my relationships. That's cool, but it's not ALL the time, not ALL consuming heavy deep shit. FUCK!

Those overused phrases are driving me insane. I'm irritated and impatient, and ya, I guess a little cynical currently. I hear people talking the airy fairy terms of soul and soulmate and unconditional love and I find myself rolling my eyes and dying to say PUHLEASE! Talking it is running rampant. As a society we are talking the fucking shit out of it all, just DO it for godsakes! Do the loving, don't just talk about it.

Sometimes... it's time to just suck it up, get on with it, stop moaning and just get it done already!

For those of you old enough, I feel a little like Fish from Ally McBeal or even dearest Dr. House! EEK!

Still... not EVERYTHING has to be spoken and ushy gushy phsycho babble goo! I love that shit, I do - but it's SO much already, it's like using and exclamation mark at the end of every sentence.

Or, I might just be bitchy. Sorry.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Poor Planning!

OK! I landed in Calgary on Friday in flip-flops and capri pants and it was FUCKING SNOWING! September 15 for GODSAKES! WTF!?????

I am clearly an Island girl all the way! Beautiful BC, I am SO glad to be back home in paradise!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I took the last week off work so I could be part of the school starting events. Youngest in preschool for the first time, middle in Kindergarten, and eldest in grade 8 or 8th grade for you American readers *smiling*

Back at work for a few days, then I'm off to Calgary for a wedding. Calgary is in the province of Alberta and is the closest thing to Texas that Canada has - cowboys and cattle, rednecks, tight jeans and big belt buckles, a booming oil industry, hardass line em up and shoot em thinking, whiskey drinkin and smokin, and places like "The Liquor emporium" or "The Liquor Barn".

Soooo... add a large Irish Catholic wedding in such a location... ought to be quite entertaining me thinks! I'm really looking forward to it. And... I'm going WITHOUT kids, all by my self! Wooooo hoooo!

Ohhhh.... and I guess that means I'll be IN CHURCH and ON MY KNEES this weekend! I'll wear my big clunky glittery cross, the one that rests right in the nestle.. you know the neslte don't ya? *giggling*